
Steven Pippin (1960) is an English artist. Pippin’s work shows a strong interest in mechanics, which stems from a childhood memory of his father, surrounded by the wires and pipes of a television he was repairing. He works above all with converted or improvised equipment and kinetic sculptures that he realizes a project to make them. Often the photographs resulting from his works are distorted or otherwise compromised by the way they were made, but the imperfections are seen as an important feature of the image, restoring a link with the object that was used as a camera. Photographs are always shown alongside an image of the converted object and, for subsequent work, much of the equipment actually used in the conversion along with supporting documentation.
Pippin’s work is held in significant public and private collection among which V&A Museum, London; Tate Gallery London; Manchester City Art Gallery; Swindon Art Gallery; MOMA, New York; Guggenheim Museum, New York; SF MoMA of San Francisco; Walker Art Center, Minneapolis; FRAC Limousin (France); FRAC Brittany; FNAC Paris; Contemporary Art Society, London; Tel Aviv Museum of Art. UCLA Los Angeles Hammer Museum; Kenderdine Art Gallery, Sakatchewan University Canada. Winterhur Photo Museum Basel.