Exhibition room

Michele Spanghero, Exhibition Room, 2010 – Print on dbond
INAUGURAZIONE: Sabato, 13 February 2010 – H 6.00 pm
15 February 2010 – 23 March 2010
The young artist, whose research ranges from improvisational music to the visual arts, has developed the photographic project Exhibition Rooms for the exhibition, for which in the last three years he has carried out a real reconnaissance of the exhibition sites of Italy and of Central Eastern Europe. Spanghero will also present the installation R-12 Dvina in the gallery, which reconstructs the sound and visual environment of an abandoned missile bunker in Latvia, in which he performed a performance with his own double bass.
The shots of Exhibition Rooms arise from the visual and chromatic analysis of the spaces (museums, galleries and exhibition stands) in which the works of art are placed and exhibited according to the set-up – and ideally conceptual – model of the white cube, in vogue since second half of the sixties. In fact, white guarantees the neutrality of the place and the observer is put in a position to enjoy the work without conditioning, without background noise. Spanghero conducted an investigation in search of both the homologation elements and the discontinuity of the exhibition sites, showing the limits and differences of real places with respect to the ideal model. Floors and pieces of wall cease to be aphasic containers of void and begin to whisper, unexpectedly showing cracks, irregularities and variations in the range of whites that we don’t usually pay attention to.
R-12 Dvina was born from a performance on the double bass by the artist which took place in a bunker where, during the Cold War period, some missiles equipped with a nuclear warhead supplied to the Soviet army were kept. The boundless architectural volume and the deep emptiness of that place now far from our contemporaneity are recreated in the gallery thanks to a multichannel audio installation and car headlights that illuminated the darkness of the bunker while Spanghero was playing.
The opening of the exhibition will be followed by a performance by the artist.

Michele Spanghero, Installation view “Exhibition Room”, 2010

Michele Spanghero, Installation view “Exhibition Room”, 2010

Michele Spanghero, Installation view “Exhibition Room”, 2010