Un codice
OPENING: Saturday, 07 October 2006 – H 7.00 pm
09 October 2006 – 31 December 2006
La Galleria Artericambi presenta la doppia personale di Federico Maddalozzo (Italia, 1978) e Darren Murray (Irlanda del Nord, 1977).

Federico Maddalozzo, Maybe #05, 2006
Federico Maddalozzo‘s work focuses on the perceptual and identity analysis of pure color. In this latest project, which includes four site-specific installations, the artist focuses on the individual and uncertain character of the vision. Preferring light materials: paper products, stacks of sheets, Pantone color samples, aluminum, and intervening directly on the space, Maddalozzo removes the structure and weight of the forms from the eye, focusing attention on the perimeter and surface of the objects.
In Maybe #05 the light reflected by the photons of an entire wall covered with hundreds of colored cards, protruding from the wall with two opposite inclinations, redraws the space by trapping the gaze in a destabilizing optical mechanism. ‘impossibility of our eyes to recognize as identical two identical chromatic surfaces exposed with different inclinations, inevitably leads us back to complex themes that cross the psychological balance of the individual. The illusory of reality and the uniqueness of experience, as well as the invisibility of emotions, are the codes underlying Federico Maddalozzo.

Darren Murray, Resort, 2006
Darren Murray, reproduces in painting images of absolutely conventional landscapes, taken from calendars or travel advertising brochures.
The colors are very bright, with a palette limited almost exclusively to primary and secondary colors, absolutely not naturalistic. On a single homogeneous and flat background, Murray traces only the outline of the background elements; the parts of the landscape in the foreground, like silhouettes, are instead full, uniform, monochrome, painted without any use of chiaroscuro. Only some details of the foreground: flowers, foliage, birds are depicted naturalistically. The landscapes of the four canvases on display are taken from images of Chinese calendars.
The anti-perspective, the rendering of depth by planes and the spasmodic attention to detail that denote the oriental tradition of the representation of space find in the pictorial operation carried out by Murray an original all-western chromatic counterpoint. The choice of the very common sources of his subjects testifies to how Murray pays attention also to the theme of a “commercial” use of stereotypical images that threatens to standardize the modes of figuration.
The young Northern Irish artist adds an original and autonomous voice to the dialogue between Western art and art from the rest of the world, articulating the composition of a possible dialectic between the different traditions and modes of representation.

Federico Maddalozzo, Installazione mostra “Un codice”, 2006
Federico Maddalozzo was born in S. Vito al Tagliamento (PN, Italy) in 1978. He lives and works between Berlin and Pordenone. In 2003 he won a scholarship from the Bevilacqua La Masa Foundation; in 2004 he took part in the X Advanced Course of Visual Arts of the Antonio Ratti Foundation (visiting professor Jimmie Durham); in 2006 he won the DAMS prize. In 2004 he presented an impressive site specific project at the Municipal Gallery of Contemporary Art in Monfalcone at the exhibition “Work in progress: Chimera, Griffith, Maddalozzo” curated by Andrea Bruciati.
Darren Murray was born in Antrim (Northern Ireland) in 1977. He lives and works in Belfast. In 2005 he represents, along with other artists, Northern Ireland at the 51st Venice Biennale of Visual Arts. In 2004 and 2002 he held two solo exhibitions at the Kevin Kavanagh gallery in Dublin. In 2006 he participates in the exhibition “Dog have no religion. Artist from Northern Ireland” at the Czech Museum of Fine Arts in Prague.

Darren Murray, Resort, 2006

Federico Maddalozzo, Maybe #05 – Sezione 06 e Sezione 11, 2006