
Donata Lazzarini e Bruno Muzzolini, Orion+++, 2016/2021 – Faux fur floor cushions, Video: Color, no sound, 10.26 Minutes
OPENING: Saturday, 16 October 2021 – H. 7.00
18 october 2021 – 30 November 2021
Artericambi is pleased to present Déladelmur an exhibition by Donata Lazzarini and Bruno Muzzolini. In this exhibition the human and intellectual partnership between the artists cross again to claim, with a common emotional tension, an expressive and civil freedom in harmony with nature, today compromised by toxicity of our lifestyles.
The exhibition includes video installations, sculptures, photographs and drawings.
Maria Rosa Sossai writes: “Despite the diversity of their respective artistic practices, their harmony of intent guided them in the choice of the works to be exhibited, with which to build a horizontal and sustainable relationship with other living species through the language of art, without however pretending to understand everything but rather trying to imagine a loyal relationship between living beings and the natural world. The study of nature through the language of art has always represented a great challenge, especially today when the alarm for the survival of the planet coexists with an enveloping sense of daze in the face of its beauty and intensity. The two artists are well aware that the relationship with nature is an invention that has existed since mankind first appeared on earth. However, art is a language that is still able to recreate worlds and to enter into relationships with other living species. The pandemic has taught us how important it is to cultivate and include the unpredictable in our speculative horizon because it helps safeguard freedom of thought and cultivate abstention as a sustainable life practice”.
The exhibition is accompanied by a text by Maria Rosa Sossai who, together with the artists, will meet the public during a talk in the gallery on Monday 8 November2021 at 6.00 pm.

Donata Lazzarini – Bruno Muzzolini, Installation view “Deladelmur”, 2021
In compliance with current regulations for the prevention of Covid-19, during the inauguration the access will be allowed only to visitors in possession of the COVID-19 Green Certification, to be exhibited at the entrance to the gallery.
Donata Lazzarini has held a series of exhibitions at public and private institutions: Castelbuono Museum, Rome Quadriennale, Museo della Permanente Milan, Bevilacqua La Masa Foundation in Venice, Galleria Civica in Modena, Biblioteca Braidense Milan, Galleria Nazionale Ljubljana, Palazzo Forti in Verona, Suzzara Prize, Zanotto Foundation Prize, Cicognani Galerie Kohl, Cavenaghi Arte Milano… Her projects related to the environment and inhabited space, which she declines in forms of landscape poetics or sometimes in territories of relationship using different means such as drawing, sculpture, installation. The artistic and didactic activities are interconnected: she teaches Sculpture at the Brera Academy of Fine Arts and is co-founder of the ‘out-of-register notebook of pedagogy and contemporary art’, Boîte Editions.
Bruno Muzzolini has exhibited his works at public and private institutions including: Listasafni ASI, in Reykjavik, National Gallery of Kosovo in Prishtina, SOMA in Mexico City, National Gallery of Arts Tirana, Centrale di Fies, Dro, Venice Biennale corderie dell ‘arsenale, MAGA of Gallarate, Fabioparisartgallery of Brescia, MAMM of Medellin in Colombia, Gallery On the Move of Tirana, Museum of Santa Giulia, Brescia, Office Projet Room Milan and others. His work, divided between video, photography, drawing, unhinges the habits of a prefigured and consoling imaginary, leaving contradictions to emerge that lead back to the constitutive human fragility. He teaches Video at the Brera Academy of Fine Arts.
Maria Rosa Sossai is scientific manager of the Participatory Projects Department of the Civic Museum of Castelbuono (PA). As a researcher in the field of participatory artistic practices, education policies and artist videos and films, in 2018 she co-founded the ‘out-of-register notebook of pedagogy and contemporary art’, Boîte Editions; in 2012 she was the Free Academy of Arts,, an independent platform for education and contemporary art. She curated exhibitions and projects in museums, foundations, galleries in Italy and abroad. She is the author of numerous publications, including Living together art as an educational action, Towers of the wind, 2017; Video art, stories and cultures of the artist’s video in Italy, Silvana Editoriale, 2002; Artist’s film, paths and comparisons between art and cinema, Silvana Editoriale, 2009.

(LEFT) Bruno Muzzolini, Trappola 1, 2020 – Print on aluminum, 43,3 x 53,1 inch / (RIGHT) Donata Lazzarini, La montagna rosa e Morel, 2021 – Virgin bee wax, 35,4 x 62,9 x 33,4 inch

(LEFT) Bruno Muzzolini, Trappola 2, 2020 – Print on aluminum, 53,1 x 53,1 inch / (RIGHT) Bruno Muzzolini, Linee di fuga, 2021 – Video 4k, 25 Minutes

Donata Lazzarini, Les fantômes, 2021 – Ink technic on paper on aluminum, 39,3 x 39,3 x 0,7 inch / Details on the left