Music as a Foreign Language


21 September 2023. 

Until the 10 March 2024.


Es Baluard Museu d’Art Contemporani de Palma – Palma di Maiorca (SPAIN).


In this exhibition we become immersed in a two-way connection/conversation between Carles Congost and Jeremy Deller, two artists who have never met each other personally but whose work has a lot in common. Among other elements, they both talk about politics based on and through the history of dance music and club culture. Thus, two key works in their careers will be shown: Abans de la casa / Un biopic inestable a través del Sonido Sabadell [Before House / An Unstable Biopic via the Sabadell Sound], a sort of abstract documentary by Congost with contributions from personalities such as Àngel Casas and Eduard Escoffet, among others, and Everybody in the Place: An Incomplete History of Britain 1984–1992, a masterclass Deller himself taught to a group of British A-level students, featuring a vast selection of archival footage from the BBC.